Health & Fitness Assessment Evening Blog #1
“We started by splitting into two groups. One group went up to Horfield Common and the other group stayed and used the rowing machines. I was in the group that did the rowing machines first. We all had to partner up to use the machines because there weren’t enough. I started off going at a fast kind of pace but slowed down quite soon into it. I didn’t enjoy much of the rowing, however I did enjoy the break that I got when it was my partner’s turn! I used the machine one more time and my partner used it two more but I can’t say that I was complaining that he used it more than me. We then swapped with the group that had been on the common.
On Horfield Common we had to do stepping lunges, bear crawl and two laps of running/walking (for me it was mostly walking). Everytime we got to the cones and back we got a card and even though it wasn’t actually a competition, most of us were still competitive. The first few laps were fine and then my knees started hurting because we were told to put our knees on the floor when we did the stepping lunges, however I found it easier just to bang my knees on the floor but clearly that was not the right thing to do. The bear crawl was just very tiring but the running part was easy because I just didn’t run very much. At the end I had twelve cards and all three packs of cards that we had were used up. I think the highest amount of cards that someone had was nineteen but to be honest I was just happy to finish. I do know that I can walk for a while but clearly I just can’t do too many stepping lunges.” Ben P