Participant Blog – Homestay Reflections

James R

“On my homestay I was shown around the local area including their suspension bridge, tribal village and parks. A group of locals, scouts and me went to a local eco park where there are many murals celebrating the local wildlife and culture. Later in the evening after a meal of curry and potato eaten the local way (with hands) I took part in a celebration of the end of the festival period with a few other scouts whose hosts were friends. This involved a lot of dancing to the local music and eating traditional foods. My host family were very warm and welcoming and I had a great time with them.”

Ed S

“I loved it – one f the best parts so far. I stayed with a very nice kid called Avi. Ben P was 10 seconds away also staying with someone called Avi. There was lots of spicy food. I slept on a wooden bed (no mattress) with my sleeping bag and a blankets. It was surprisingly comfy.”

Oli A

“It was alright – they had very little. It puts into perspective how much we have. They treated us like royalty and gave us everything they could which was very nice.”

Ben B

“My family was very nice. They gave me duck and buffalo for dinner. After dinner we went for a walk and say rhino on the other side of the river. In the morning I gave a gift that I had brought from England. ”

John A

“I left early to get to my host’s house as it was a long way away. On the way we bumped into his friend who we also met latr that evening and went out for noodles in a small restaurant in another village. They asked me if I liked chillies and I said “yes” – they were the hottest noodles in my life! Their house was tiny and 5 other people slept in the same room with us. ”

Anna L

“I was nervous going but as we went with other people it was easy meeting them as a group. We walked around the village and went to the eco park where volunteers where helping the locals how to farm. I had my first motorbike ride! I was taught how to eat the Nepalese way (with my hands).”

James B

“I felt very welcome and they fed me loads of foo. We went on a walk in the evening and saw 2 rhinos. I slept on a wooden bed in my sleeping bag – I suffered from a lack of sleep! In the morning we joined up with some others and went for a walk.”

Matt F

“It was pretty good but stressful. Looking back it was a wonderful experience. They taught us a new card game and I lost 5 rupees to a 14 year old! There house was very nice – I had my own double bed with a thin mattress. They wake very early – at 6am. We went for a walk and saw lots of interesting things.”

Lexi P

“It was fabulous. The family were very nice. Hey spoke little English but we got on well. We had a lot in common and they were very funny. I just had a really good time.”