Participant Blog Day 12 – James R
There is a large contrast between Pokhara and Meghauli. Pokhara is a much more tourist town with many people coming for the lake and Peace Temple, which we visited today by taking a boat across and then hiking the 1000+ steps to the summit where the Stuka is located. Due to the tourist nature of the town we have had a break from the much more simple lifestyle in Meghauli with restaurants showers and even a pool!
Meghauli however is quite out of the way allowing for a more realistic look at life in Nepal – especially with our homestays. As we visited a very rural area we saw much more animals and natural beauty. Pokhara is much more focused on more man-made attractions. However Pokhara isn’t without natural sights with the snow topped mountains in the background and the lake surrounded by wood-covered hills.
Overall Meghauli was much more personal as we had the chance to get to know the locals and local area, which was amazing and informative. In Pokhara we aren’t here to run an event so we have more of a chance to relax. Both experiences have been brilliant just in different ways.